

From when to when is the Long Night of Museums?

The Long Night of Museums is taking place on 24 August 2024 from 6 pm to 2 am.
Kids' museums open earlier.

Where can I buy my Long Night ticket?

You can buy your Long Night ticket one month in advance here on the website and at the Berlin Tourist Infos.

On the day itself you can get tickets in all participating museums and at our box office.

How can I find out about the participating museums and their programmes?

Information on the participating museums and the program of special events will be available here on the website starting one month before the Long Night of Museums.

Until then, follow our newsletter or social media channels. Please note that the Newsletter is only available in German.

Is the Long Night interesting for children as well?

A lot of events are interesting for children, and a lot of museums are offering their own programmes for children.

Is the Long Night interesting even if I can’t understand German?

There are a lot of events happening in the Long Night for which you don’t need to know any German at all. They include concerts, performances and workshops. Many museums offer guided tours in English, and some even in other languages as well.

Is the Long Night suitable for people with learning difficulties or other disabilities?

Some museums offer events in Leichter Sprache (easy language) or guided tours for blind and visually impaired people.

You will find information on accessibility for all the museums on the website here.